vrijdag 21 november 2008

have you fallen off the planet?

No I haven't, but I've just been busy beyond words. I've taken on a second parttime job in admin to smooth things over and I've been commisioned a few projects, am also learning to spin (started that at the Rotterdam Crafts fair about a month ago), which I enjoy immensely (not on a wheel, but for now with a spindle). Maybe I should just show you some of the projects I've finished? Pumpkin has not been born yet, but can be here any minute. Other babies have arrived safely and there are more on the way. Still fighting (and losing) with the yarn addiction, but thorougly enjoying it! The shiatsu school is promoting kidney warmers especially for women, as the kidneys and the tummy hold the essential ki and need to be pampered. I'm using alpaca wool for these projects. The prototype was handmade, but due to the rush in orders I'm afraid I will have to switch to machine made this week...................boohoo! still fun though, cuz the material is so beautiful, soft and warm.

Dineke from the Hague Spinners taught me how to table batt (so I don't have to buy an expensive carding drum yet), Ineke from Tissien in Haarlem taught me to make pencil roving or pre-drafting thru a buttonhole (very useful skills I must add). I'm now just starting to spin silk with a lovely little spindle made of purpleheart wood (my favorite ofcourse as it is you guessed it purple!). I have very lovely silk hankies painted in purple and turquoise, I want to mix that with something soft and squishy into a 3 ply thread, so one thin purple silk, one thin turquoise silk and then one, maybe merino or camel with silk or something nice in off white.

There is a big storm raging outside, were are caught between autumn and winter in Holland now. It's pounding on my house. And if I didn't have to go out today I wouldn't!

Have to get my day started so I'll see you again in a few months, or hopefully sooner!

maandag 15 september 2008

babies, babies and more babystuff

Today is a sunny autumnal day, wondering if summer is really over. For most it was a bit of a dissapointment, for me it was great, cuz I don't do heat too well anymore being all peri-menopauzal and such. But anyway.......nevermind!

A friend of mine is in excitement over the arrival of his first granchild, I'm making him the baby blankie I mentioned before. And this weekend, to have a smaller and faster gift, I made him the pumpkin beanie we had agreed on as a joke. The little one in mamma's belly has the nickname "pumpkin", so we thought the beanie would be a great gag! It turned out so well, sometimes these things amaze me seriously, I just start out with a concept and when I get to the details, it's wild!

I'm still stressed about my financial survival, but I have so many great things going on, that they keep me on track for the meantime. I am blessed and happy in so many ways, that alone will protect me from the abyss of the impending minor depression!

vrijdag 12 september 2008

ami's rule!

Everyone (me included) is loving these little beasties. It's almost hard to let them go, they are like my children, but they were commissioned, so they have to go to other homes. I always try to keep them around for a little while and get good pictures anyway. Next up is a little lionness, I've found a cute pattern for that. but now to make it from a lion, into a really girly lionness. not a mane but ponytails? I'll figure it out when I get there.

Weds evening I had my introduction gathering for the yearlong workshop I'll be joining to paint the 13 original clanmothers based on the book by Jamie Sams. I think that will be quite inspirational. And only one class a month, so it won't be too hard on my otherwise overextended schedule, and it will be something for me, beside all my hard work with treating and teaching (don't get me wrong, I adore my work).

Some folks might have the idea that all I do is handicrafts, cuz I produce a lot, but for me that is down time and relaxation. The rest of the time is filled with complementary healing modalities such as Shiatsu, Bowen, Holistic Pulsing, Dorn therapy, EFT and so forth.

I have an order for a baby blankie, which will be the same design as the one with the concentric squares I already did, just a bit smaller and with fewer colors. We're going down to Woool this afternoon to choose colors. And also to make a little pumpkin hat, cuz the baby is nicknamed little pumpkin now it's still in momma's belly.

Speaking of which. One of the mom's I was coaching had an incredibly fast and good birth, everything went like a whirlwind and she didn't even have time to call me to come and assist her at the hospital. Congrats T! you're a trooper and we seem to have done our preparation well. Now for B, hope she can deliver soon, she's ready!

Well on the practical side I'm still struggling and being p-offed at myself for being such a financial clutz. I'm greatful for all the friends that are willing to support me without any concrete date on when I will pay them back. Without them I'd be totally lost. And I really want to be able to make in on my own. I believe I have the talents to make it a success, I've somehow just not been cashing in on them. Maybe throughout my coaching sessions with Arnold I'll be able to un(b)lock what is needed to be more in flow and abundance. Hope springs eternal!

donderdag 21 augustus 2008

life's little joys!

So I'm going completely googly over my little amigurimi friends. And it really surprises me that grown people (well mostly women) go all sweet and softy over them (me included).

I took my new little friend Henry Honu along to my crochet workshop (where I'm the teacher), Earl Grey (the baby guinea pig) came along too, and I handed him to his proud new foster Mom Mar. She was really happy with him, and confirmed that he was very true to the real deal in form and coloring (and she said the tush was perfect, seems guinea pigs fall over backwards when they get excited and just roll over the round tush, ha, ha). So we were all ooooh-ing an aaaah-ing the little creatures when it hit me that there must be a reason why these little fellars strike such a cord in us, it truly has to be the same chord that newborn babies strike in us as well in a sense. Anyway, I find it very endearing. So last night was part two of my second beginners crochet workshop. And I once more had three very nice and enthusiastic participants! Seems like they will be coming back for more later in the season when we do granny squares. What fun!

Furthermore on a more personal note. I've gotten over my two consecutive computer crashes. Sunday was a wonderful perfect day spent with a dear friend (total bliss, right place, right time, in harmony), tuesday was another meltdown teary day for different reasons. I'm still not enjoying this hormonal roller coaster, but I seem to be out of the deepest depths of the depression now. Anyway, I'll be spending my spare hours helping Jen catch up on her backlog of little projects so she can end feeling so pressured. It was her birthday last week. I'm getting her a set of clover crochet's at a handicrafts fair in september as a late b-day present. I'm joining Pauleen to check it out as a training run for the big fair in London in oktober, hihi.
Okay, I'm having half of a big papaya for brekkie and it is reminiscent of Hawaii, heartstrings were already twanged earlier this week when I got a message from one of our dolphin travel mates inviting us to join her in january for yet another spiritual getogether, argggghhhh, there is one place I want to be, and I can't now....sigh.

maandag 18 augustus 2008

Meet Earl Grey (no relation to Joe Black!)

Making little amigurimi animals and such is so much fun.

It's not much work and you are immediately infatuated with the little buggers.

you start out making them for someone, then you actually want to keep them all.

Okay, this is Earl Grey the baby guinea pig. He's for one of my ladies in the crochet workshop. She loves guinea pigs and has a few real ones. Does this kid have a cute tushie or what? Well new moms love their kids, can't help myself, sorry!

Jennifer whizzed by last night, I'm watching over a few of her projects as she seems to have run behind with them.

It will be "finishing" projects week. I'll help her out with that, she can do some herself, but I'll do a few too, so she'll feel less frustrated! I don't mind, keeps me busy, inbetween all my own WIP's and UFO's, ha, ha.

not such a busy week workwise, but that is not to be helped, it's the last two weeks of school holiday here, so most folks have flown the coop.
I'll leave you with that for now.

maandag 11 augustus 2008

I see a pattern arising.............

Well after another good bit of silence here I am again.

I've been delving into the realm of crocheted socks, which is actually quite fun, and fast I must add. Check out the pics!

Still not quite in control of all my happy faculties (so moodswings and bouts of crying are still lurking in the wings), but mostly I'm still functioning I think. Ha, ha, you can give me feedback on that if you like...............but you don't have to........

On top of all that my computer started dying on my, something to do with harddisk working outside of specified paramaters, please call your supplier............argh!

so I order a new computer, which is abfab! and the harddisk on the new computer dies on me within three days of arrival. Luckily that one is still under warranty, but who knows when it will be delivered back to me? So I'm still coaxing the old bird to do her work for me, slowly and surely.

Anyhoo, I've just been teaching reiki workshops for five weekends straight.

Five weeks ago I restarted my pilates classes, loving that a lot, after getting over the initital excruciating pain in muscles I forgot I had. And also trying to fit in sessions at the gym doing Cardiofitness a few times a week. Have to get the old metabolism fired up again.

Working with Arnold on his "inner weight" protocol, so implementing lot's of cool nutritional additions to my diet, like lime-ginger-cucumber-mint-water that I drink 2 litres a day of. Supposed to help me detox, and I believe it.

A handfull of almonds (mono unsaturated fatty acids) with every meal to keep fat from settling on my midportion. That will be good!! And getting a handle on old mechanisms and blockages in my subconcious that keep me from being fit, lean, healthy and successful. Well! more on that later.

Friday evening I went to visit with Iris, who had organized a "scent-party". She imports and sells "yankee candles" here in Holland, and it was a veritable feast of smelling and enjoying or disliking (not many) of the sumptious natural and very lively smells of the candles. Lot of fun. Will organize a similar party here in my house as well. Just to do something new and exciting for my lot.

She bought a darling little holiday cabin and is preparing for the big move in tomorrow. I'm sorry I can't be there to help and support, but I'll send her energy as best I can.

I had big fun watching over the Woool shop for my little buddy when she was in Florence at a wedding, and after some initial silence and slow business I even managed to sell a good few things!

she's preparing for fall/winter in the shop. And I think business is growing steadily now, once her webshop is up nothing can stop her!!

I'm helping her out with the crochet workshops, as she is a fab knitter but gets a bit blocked when confronted with crochet (hyperventilation anyone??). So I did a beginners, this week another beginners, after that an advanced reading pattern workshop, then a granny square workshop, and hopefully also an amigurimi workshop. We'll see how that all goes.

This week is looking a bit more calm, not good for the income, but okay for me to catch my breath and catch up on some social life!!

I'll try to come back with some fun stuff for the blog, but no promises just yet.

zaterdag 21 juni 2008

The birth of a bear........

My hormones went so crazy I temporarily slipped into a small depression, no fun at all I must say. Looking at the world from a grey empty hole.

Lost all desire to do any handicrafts at all, so strange.

just sat like a potato, pondering life, and letting the tears flow.

Well I'm making a carefull tentative comeback.

This week felt a bit better. And yesterday I got back in the swing of things and made a teddybear. Together with Pauleen, she's making her own version, more of a polar bear in color. Mine is from leftover chunky yarn in creme and brown. Every now and then I need to be reminded why I don't like chunky yarn and knitting needles over 6 mm. They really make my hands hurt, a lot! anyway, push that aside and voila! I proudly announce the birth of Fernando Harold vom Ursemberg. He's based on the "bobbi bear" pattern from Blue Sky Alpacas, but ofcourse with my own twist. I'm a proud mom! He's a big boy: almost 45 cms / 17 inches.

vrijdag 30 mei 2008

eh yoff? who?

this last week has been a whirlwind, incredible.
Weekend away on a training for EFT, lot's of tears and releasing, always good for the soul.
But what has taken up most of my time has been teaching Do-In and mostly preparing for the classes. It's great fun, but being a bit of a perfectionist I want to offer good material to my students/participants.
tuesday my own cute little class (this week only one person, because of headaches and flu's).
Wednesday assisting at the "Do-In for women" class with Anushka, and thursday evening being guest-teacher in Anuska's oldest and most loyal class (going strong for 13 years now I think).
That was a bit intimidating, because Anushka is one of the foremost specialists in Do-In in The Netherlands and around I'm sure. It all worked out, but phew, as if I'm not sweating enough from my hot flashes already. No, seriously, it was fun. For those of you who are wondering what Do-In is........it's the naughty Japanese sister of Yoga. Just kidding, well actually I'm not apart from the fact that it is serious business! it's an exercise format based upon meridian stretches and self treatment to stay limber, healthy and harmonized. Great fun, even for someone with restrictions like me (with the obesity and the rheumatism). Get involved, go find a try-out class, read up. It is really wholesome, healthy and fun. And I am teaching it too! And it is not restricted to age, gender, disability or creed!

vrijdag 23 mei 2008

a sock is born

some things are worth waiting for, and the noro sock yarn was no dissapointment. But I guess only really fanatics and yarn addicts will get this. So I'll try not to gush too much.
I've finished my first sock just about a week after the first 10 KG's of Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn was delivered in Holland. For some reason that's all we are getting for now.
it's really interesting and there was just an article in Knit Today about Noro and how they produce their yarns, really cool! It made a real effort to explain why their yarns are so exclusive, expensive and worth it.

Last weekend I held the fort at Woool while Pauline was at a street market. The weather was appalling, and I only made a few small sales and was very glad a group of friends dropped in (we ended up around the table with six of us, two very talented jazz singers (one quite famous actually) but we didn't break out in song. It was a good experience, now next time with good weather you guys please all show up like you promised okay???!!!

I've been burdened by the fool moon this week and major mood swings for the last month. Anyway, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, right?

My brother sent me a message that my mum had had a light stroke yesterday, he spent hours with her in emergency room, but he didn't manage to call us or we would have joined him.
She's back at the old folks home again with her meds adjusted for now. Fingers crossed on that one, because I'm away on a seminar all weekend. Starting my certification for EFT coach.

I can't promise to write more frequently, cuz I'm sure I'll break my own promise, but I'll keep trying.

Catch you later!

woensdag 14 mei 2008

how time flies................again

Can you believe we are already halfway thru May?
I was having a bit of an off day today, very moody and agressive (those who know me will say it's quite out of character, but what can I say? hormones??)
two great things happened to lift my mood: 1. Noro Sock Yarn (hooray after a long wait, it's just something you need to be an insider for to appreciate!); 2. an indisclosed source thought I'd be the perfect new mother for some stash (for money mind you). It's made up of almost 2 kilo's of assorted Koigu and 3 kilo's of assorted pure silk. It arrived today, and I just want to drop it all in bed and roll around in it. It's delicious and beautiful, and I'm a very happy bunny. The colors of the Noro sock yarn are as to be expected: delicious (it's actually one ply Kureyon), it's a bit coarse, but will soften up with handling and wear. Just cuddling the ball of wool is already fun! Noro Rocks!!! Tomorrow in daylight I'm gonna go revel in my other new stash, lamplight just doesn't work for this kind of adoration. And I'll try to make some pics!
Okay...........so what else? My buddy Pauleen isn't a fan of knitting lace, so she's letting me knit her something, a cute little lace kimono top in cotton/linen mix in a gorgeous deep teal, pattern from the latest interweave knits. I've finished the front and back and I'm 2/3 thru the first sleeve. I did frog the back halfway once cuz the decreases looked funky. It's nice to make her something. By the way, this saturday I'm subbing at her store Woool as she is at a street market elsewhere. I drop in occassionaly (not more or less than otherwise) to acquaint myself to her state of the art computer programme so I can make sales and register them...........argh.........me and my funky energy, we already had a brief computer glitch this afternoon. I'm sorry!!!
The frog was delivered to my mom, she liked him. Thank goodness and the visit I had been dreading but needed to get done went better than expected. Before the frog left my care he was admired by many, and siblings have been ordered, so they will follow asap. I got some extra sock wool in green yarns, cuz that was non existent in my stash.
The lace shrug for Lisa is done, but hasn't been sent off to Hawaii yet. The sexy summer dress is done but hasn't been fitted or modeled by anyone yet, so no good pictures yet.
So I caught you up a bit, but I'm pretty sure I've already forgotten stuff, I should really be more regular.
Oh, right, we had a miniature heatwave here and due to the heat, lack of sleeping and my hormonal situation, many braincells were lost in action, that clarifies more of my short term memory glitches. Yeehaa!

zondag 27 april 2008

the birth of my .......................first amigurimi!

my firstborn amigurimi, cartoonesque n'est ce pas? isn't he cutie? Quite handsome my little frog guy. I named him Ferdinand Le Froche. He's made from Trekking sock yarn XXL from a bit I had left over from the x-mas sock project. I'm sure more will follow. Made him for mom but think I want to keep him for myself??? arghhh, let go, let go.................

this went faster then I thought and worked out quite well actually. Can you see how he leans on his hind legs? He is originally (in the pattern) done in much thicker yarn so I might make him a big brother one day. Found the pattern on the site for South West Trading Company (SWTC).

I'm a proud mamma, and he was only conceived (started) last night...............hi, hi ;-)

my spirit guide and more

made a little trip to a psychic fair yesterday, one of my new colleagues from the workshop last weekend said she would be there and if I'd like to come say hi. Sure I would. I usually don't visit these fairs, cuz they confuse me, all the energy coming from all directions pulling at me. But in the Grote Kerk (big church) here in the Hague, it seems like the old solid energy of the church sort of counteracts and balances that for me. I usually stroll around and just feel and look, this time I was attracted to a booth with gorgeous drawings, well at first I thought it was a projection of a photo thru a painting. This lovely lady was making drawings of spirit guides. I liked the pictures so much I decided to have a consultation and a drawing done for me. These pictures are awesome! She also had a very nice tarot deck, one I hadn't seen before (Symbolon). The first card I picked was the Buddha, how nice is that? There was also a jewellery and bead fair connected to this event. I treated myself to a pair of labradorite earrings and a ring with a big star ruby in it. Just small pamperings........

Today feels like a really calm sunday (energetically). Just one client and a meeting this afternoon. Weather report said it's gonna be over 20 centigrade today, hot!! I need to do a quick house straightening and I'm done for the day as it were, thank goodness for my housekeeper for doing the real work.

vrijdag 25 april 2008

how time flies...........

busy busy busy it seems
last weekend was great, had a 3 day mini holiday in Deventer (in the east of Holland).
I did a workshop in traditional japanese reiki techniques.
great people, great atmosphere, lovely little town, monumental buildings with cobblestone streets, very enjoyable.
I even took myself out to dinner twice, alone. And I really don't like eating out alone.
the B&B was very luxurious, so a nice little home away from home. Thanks Nico!
I had to cave in last week and take antibiotics, still not 100% clear in the respiratory....but good enough.
Finished Iris' sweater (again) by adding about 15 cms length.
started a new cute sock project that came as a prezzie for my b-day from Pauleen, one sock done, really soft yarn with lots of bamboo in it, and ofcourse mainly PURPLE.
Next weeks seems to be a quiet one in the practice because of some holidays coming together for the nation. So I'll try to enjoy that. The weather is suddenly really spring, much warmer.
I'm battling with lines of ants in the kitchen, nothing here for them here two stories up from the ground floor, but they seem to want to find out for themselves. Trying to pursuade them to leave without having to resort to harsh chemical measures.
So as you see, not much really important things to share right now. So I'll catch you later!

maandag 14 april 2008

it's alive!

Just kidding. I survived my own birthday party and it was a grand success. Great to see a bunch of my friends together and the Hawaiian buffet worked out great!
I seem to be in a very positive wave now that I've adjusted to accepting help.
All of a sudden unexpected things are coming my way, and I feel very touched and very blessed.

On the knitting front: I've started my first try out moebius shawl. I love the Cat Bordhi books!
I'm about on a third on my sexy summer dress and I just got a new job with no time pressure cuz it's for fall. A client of mine would like a moebius cape. That will be fun.

My pending projects were all delivered to their new parents. The purple knit/crochet fitted sweater was perfect for Nout. He tried it on at my b-day party and didn't take it off.
the Fitted cardi from the chilean cotton is good too.
The see thru frilly v-neck sweater from the kidsilk was too short, so I'll lengthen that will a good bit to match the design of the cuffs on the sleeves. Just ordered an extra ball of yarn for that, that will arrive later this week.

I was very spoiled and pampered with all the lovely gifts for my b-day.
I'm at the tail end of my respiratory infection but the doc still gave me anti b's just in case.
I've had hardly any voice for more than a week (the guys say "sexy", I'm just annoyed).

This next weekend I'll be off on a three day workshop with sleepover. I've decided it will be my alternative sort of holiday. And I'm checking the prices on the plane ticket to Milan for my invite over the Pentecost weekend.

Life is too good to stay depressed over big bills, right???

donderdag 10 april 2008

almost party time!

Slowly I'm crawling out of my slump, no thanx to unexpected and very high energy bill, arghh!!
I've done a lot of clearing away even when I was in my dark desperate depressed place.
But I'm slowly kicking back into slightly more positive gear, and trust I will keep that momentum.
I've started working on my extensive grocery list for my birthday party this saturday
thank goodness Iris is coming to offer me moral support and her services as a chauffeur tomorrow.
In the midst of all this I've been battling a strange respiratory infection for more than a week. I've lost my voice, which everyone finds very cute, but it's tiring to speak.
The cosmos has almost cleared my schedule so I'm much more at ease and have time to properly enjoy and prepare for the party.
Yeehaa, I'm so grateful for the support and love of my friends and clients who show their belief in me in so many ways!
Ameni!! thank you!

vrijdag 4 april 2008

hooray for Ravelry again

after posting my bit about my sad project I realized later that day (will taking inventory of my stash) that I could check out yarn online and see if anyone is interested in trading........phew.
These Ravelry folks (the ones who designed the system) are very smart, in depth smart, let's say very wise and did their homework and a lot of deep thinking. Thank you guys!
So my first swap is in the making, how cool is that. It might take a while to get the right stuff together to finish my lovely afghan, but that is an adventure in itself.
So I'm feeling a bit better than yesterday. Baby steps!

donderdag 3 april 2008

my sad project...................

I just stumbled upon this while I was reorganizing stash.
It's my sad project…. :-(
not because it isn’t beautiful, because it is absolutely gorgeous! just because I brought the yarn home from a trip and it turned out not to be enough at all and now I can’t find it anywhere. So if anyone has any of this stuff lying around, please let me know. I’ll be glad to pay or trade for it. The pattern is from a Red Heart Booklet, number 1435. Maybe someone can help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated. The yarn is Red Heart Soft, Red Heart Super Saver and or Caron Simply Soft. I have a list of the colors with names and numbers if anyone can help me out.

shame and panic

I am planning to make a more in depth inventory of my stash.
This is bad, really bad, I dig in and find stuff that makes me think.............
"oh right, I forgot about that, completely!"
so, now I'm at it, I guess some of it should go up for sale, this is ridiculous.
sigh...............I guess I'm in the grips of spring depression, which can only be alleviated by............spring cleaning. Yeah, right! forget about that. I'll just do a little and see how that feels..........arghhh! Help............anyone?

dinsdag 1 april 2008

april fools day

I suddenly realized I had started a blog
and then never entered anything into it............
okay a case of busy busy busy and the attention span of a slug
I've been really busy knitting and crocheting................................a lot
so much so that I think I may have cause a bursitis to flare in my shoulders, but I just can't stop.
My LYS has put a ban on me, no more buying yarn for a while.
Although I am converting most of it into lovely projects and not into core stash. But I'm a real addict and I will keep coming up with new projects.
my birthday is coming up, I decided to cave in and have a party this year, I'm turning 45, not really a special year or occasion, but still, it's good to try to get some friends (30-40) together.
we'll just see who really shows up this time.

okay, can't focus enough to give you a full account of what's new and going on. Will try to add some pictures in of my recent projects. I revived a project that I got stuck on, I think it will be lovely when it grows up to be a gentlemans sweater!
toodles till next time...............

woensdag 20 februari 2008

ain't no stoppin' me now........

It had to happen sometime.........I started a blog. Now is anyone really waiting for another crazed knitter to start sharing?..........well?
I'm not just a knitter thank goodness, I'm a therapist too, and so many more things, multifacetted, multitalented as diverse as.....the colors of a rainbow? nevermind!
there will be enough to share I'm sure
my knitwear can be found at on Ravelry by my fellow craftspeople and my professional information can be found at http://www.bodyworksstudio.nl/
for now, let me just sit back and sigh and wonder what got into me.................
goodnight all!