maandag 11 augustus 2008

I see a pattern arising.............

Well after another good bit of silence here I am again.

I've been delving into the realm of crocheted socks, which is actually quite fun, and fast I must add. Check out the pics!

Still not quite in control of all my happy faculties (so moodswings and bouts of crying are still lurking in the wings), but mostly I'm still functioning I think. Ha, ha, you can give me feedback on that if you like...............but you don't have to........

On top of all that my computer started dying on my, something to do with harddisk working outside of specified paramaters, please call your supplier............argh!

so I order a new computer, which is abfab! and the harddisk on the new computer dies on me within three days of arrival. Luckily that one is still under warranty, but who knows when it will be delivered back to me? So I'm still coaxing the old bird to do her work for me, slowly and surely.

Anyhoo, I've just been teaching reiki workshops for five weekends straight.

Five weeks ago I restarted my pilates classes, loving that a lot, after getting over the initital excruciating pain in muscles I forgot I had. And also trying to fit in sessions at the gym doing Cardiofitness a few times a week. Have to get the old metabolism fired up again.

Working with Arnold on his "inner weight" protocol, so implementing lot's of cool nutritional additions to my diet, like lime-ginger-cucumber-mint-water that I drink 2 litres a day of. Supposed to help me detox, and I believe it.

A handfull of almonds (mono unsaturated fatty acids) with every meal to keep fat from settling on my midportion. That will be good!! And getting a handle on old mechanisms and blockages in my subconcious that keep me from being fit, lean, healthy and successful. Well! more on that later.

Friday evening I went to visit with Iris, who had organized a "scent-party". She imports and sells "yankee candles" here in Holland, and it was a veritable feast of smelling and enjoying or disliking (not many) of the sumptious natural and very lively smells of the candles. Lot of fun. Will organize a similar party here in my house as well. Just to do something new and exciting for my lot.

She bought a darling little holiday cabin and is preparing for the big move in tomorrow. I'm sorry I can't be there to help and support, but I'll send her energy as best I can.

I had big fun watching over the Woool shop for my little buddy when she was in Florence at a wedding, and after some initial silence and slow business I even managed to sell a good few things!

she's preparing for fall/winter in the shop. And I think business is growing steadily now, once her webshop is up nothing can stop her!!

I'm helping her out with the crochet workshops, as she is a fab knitter but gets a bit blocked when confronted with crochet (hyperventilation anyone??). So I did a beginners, this week another beginners, after that an advanced reading pattern workshop, then a granny square workshop, and hopefully also an amigurimi workshop. We'll see how that all goes.

This week is looking a bit more calm, not good for the income, but okay for me to catch my breath and catch up on some social life!!

I'll try to come back with some fun stuff for the blog, but no promises just yet.

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