zondag 27 april 2008

the birth of my .......................first amigurimi!

my firstborn amigurimi, cartoonesque n'est ce pas? isn't he cutie? Quite handsome my little frog guy. I named him Ferdinand Le Froche. He's made from Trekking sock yarn XXL from a bit I had left over from the x-mas sock project. I'm sure more will follow. Made him for mom but think I want to keep him for myself??? arghhh, let go, let go.................

this went faster then I thought and worked out quite well actually. Can you see how he leans on his hind legs? He is originally (in the pattern) done in much thicker yarn so I might make him a big brother one day. Found the pattern on the site for South West Trading Company (SWTC).

I'm a proud mamma, and he was only conceived (started) last night...............hi, hi ;-)

my spirit guide and more

made a little trip to a psychic fair yesterday, one of my new colleagues from the workshop last weekend said she would be there and if I'd like to come say hi. Sure I would. I usually don't visit these fairs, cuz they confuse me, all the energy coming from all directions pulling at me. But in the Grote Kerk (big church) here in the Hague, it seems like the old solid energy of the church sort of counteracts and balances that for me. I usually stroll around and just feel and look, this time I was attracted to a booth with gorgeous drawings, well at first I thought it was a projection of a photo thru a painting. This lovely lady was making drawings of spirit guides. I liked the pictures so much I decided to have a consultation and a drawing done for me. These pictures are awesome! She also had a very nice tarot deck, one I hadn't seen before (Symbolon). The first card I picked was the Buddha, how nice is that? There was also a jewellery and bead fair connected to this event. I treated myself to a pair of labradorite earrings and a ring with a big star ruby in it. Just small pamperings........

Today feels like a really calm sunday (energetically). Just one client and a meeting this afternoon. Weather report said it's gonna be over 20 centigrade today, hot!! I need to do a quick house straightening and I'm done for the day as it were, thank goodness for my housekeeper for doing the real work.

vrijdag 25 april 2008

how time flies...........

busy busy busy it seems
last weekend was great, had a 3 day mini holiday in Deventer (in the east of Holland).
I did a workshop in traditional japanese reiki techniques.
great people, great atmosphere, lovely little town, monumental buildings with cobblestone streets, very enjoyable.
I even took myself out to dinner twice, alone. And I really don't like eating out alone.
the B&B was very luxurious, so a nice little home away from home. Thanks Nico!
I had to cave in last week and take antibiotics, still not 100% clear in the respiratory....but good enough.
Finished Iris' sweater (again) by adding about 15 cms length.
started a new cute sock project that came as a prezzie for my b-day from Pauleen, one sock done, really soft yarn with lots of bamboo in it, and ofcourse mainly PURPLE.
Next weeks seems to be a quiet one in the practice because of some holidays coming together for the nation. So I'll try to enjoy that. The weather is suddenly really spring, much warmer.
I'm battling with lines of ants in the kitchen, nothing here for them here two stories up from the ground floor, but they seem to want to find out for themselves. Trying to pursuade them to leave without having to resort to harsh chemical measures.
So as you see, not much really important things to share right now. So I'll catch you later!

maandag 14 april 2008

it's alive!

Just kidding. I survived my own birthday party and it was a grand success. Great to see a bunch of my friends together and the Hawaiian buffet worked out great!
I seem to be in a very positive wave now that I've adjusted to accepting help.
All of a sudden unexpected things are coming my way, and I feel very touched and very blessed.

On the knitting front: I've started my first try out moebius shawl. I love the Cat Bordhi books!
I'm about on a third on my sexy summer dress and I just got a new job with no time pressure cuz it's for fall. A client of mine would like a moebius cape. That will be fun.

My pending projects were all delivered to their new parents. The purple knit/crochet fitted sweater was perfect for Nout. He tried it on at my b-day party and didn't take it off.
the Fitted cardi from the chilean cotton is good too.
The see thru frilly v-neck sweater from the kidsilk was too short, so I'll lengthen that will a good bit to match the design of the cuffs on the sleeves. Just ordered an extra ball of yarn for that, that will arrive later this week.

I was very spoiled and pampered with all the lovely gifts for my b-day.
I'm at the tail end of my respiratory infection but the doc still gave me anti b's just in case.
I've had hardly any voice for more than a week (the guys say "sexy", I'm just annoyed).

This next weekend I'll be off on a three day workshop with sleepover. I've decided it will be my alternative sort of holiday. And I'm checking the prices on the plane ticket to Milan for my invite over the Pentecost weekend.

Life is too good to stay depressed over big bills, right???

donderdag 10 april 2008

almost party time!

Slowly I'm crawling out of my slump, no thanx to unexpected and very high energy bill, arghh!!
I've done a lot of clearing away even when I was in my dark desperate depressed place.
But I'm slowly kicking back into slightly more positive gear, and trust I will keep that momentum.
I've started working on my extensive grocery list for my birthday party this saturday
thank goodness Iris is coming to offer me moral support and her services as a chauffeur tomorrow.
In the midst of all this I've been battling a strange respiratory infection for more than a week. I've lost my voice, which everyone finds very cute, but it's tiring to speak.
The cosmos has almost cleared my schedule so I'm much more at ease and have time to properly enjoy and prepare for the party.
Yeehaa, I'm so grateful for the support and love of my friends and clients who show their belief in me in so many ways!
Ameni!! thank you!

vrijdag 4 april 2008

hooray for Ravelry again

after posting my bit about my sad project I realized later that day (will taking inventory of my stash) that I could check out yarn online and see if anyone is interested in trading........phew.
These Ravelry folks (the ones who designed the system) are very smart, in depth smart, let's say very wise and did their homework and a lot of deep thinking. Thank you guys!
So my first swap is in the making, how cool is that. It might take a while to get the right stuff together to finish my lovely afghan, but that is an adventure in itself.
So I'm feeling a bit better than yesterday. Baby steps!

donderdag 3 april 2008

my sad project...................

I just stumbled upon this while I was reorganizing stash.
It's my sad project…. :-(
not because it isn’t beautiful, because it is absolutely gorgeous! just because I brought the yarn home from a trip and it turned out not to be enough at all and now I can’t find it anywhere. So if anyone has any of this stuff lying around, please let me know. I’ll be glad to pay or trade for it. The pattern is from a Red Heart Booklet, number 1435. Maybe someone can help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated. The yarn is Red Heart Soft, Red Heart Super Saver and or Caron Simply Soft. I have a list of the colors with names and numbers if anyone can help me out.

shame and panic

I am planning to make a more in depth inventory of my stash.
This is bad, really bad, I dig in and find stuff that makes me think.............
"oh right, I forgot about that, completely!"
so, now I'm at it, I guess some of it should go up for sale, this is ridiculous.
sigh...............I guess I'm in the grips of spring depression, which can only be alleviated by............spring cleaning. Yeah, right! forget about that. I'll just do a little and see how that feels..........arghhh! Help............anyone?

dinsdag 1 april 2008

april fools day

I suddenly realized I had started a blog
and then never entered anything into it............
okay a case of busy busy busy and the attention span of a slug
I've been really busy knitting and crocheting................................a lot
so much so that I think I may have cause a bursitis to flare in my shoulders, but I just can't stop.
My LYS has put a ban on me, no more buying yarn for a while.
Although I am converting most of it into lovely projects and not into core stash. But I'm a real addict and I will keep coming up with new projects.
my birthday is coming up, I decided to cave in and have a party this year, I'm turning 45, not really a special year or occasion, but still, it's good to try to get some friends (30-40) together.
we'll just see who really shows up this time.

okay, can't focus enough to give you a full account of what's new and going on. Will try to add some pictures in of my recent projects. I revived a project that I got stuck on, I think it will be lovely when it grows up to be a gentlemans sweater!
toodles till next time...............