donderdag 25 februari 2010

are you authorized?

I've come to the point where I think my blog doesn't even recognize me anymore, ha, ha! Well it is true, I haven't updated in forever. But as you can see, I'm still here, working away at my projects, working hard at the practice, taking workshops to keep my mind alert and inquisitive.
Health reasonable, little pains (and big ones) here and there, nothing to stop me in my tracks.
Mom was in hospital in December, that taught me a few things about myself and how my perceptions change and my own history weighs less upon me. Our magnificent trip to Glasgow to see and meet with our favorite band in December was a high point in my year. Glasgow is a great town as far as I had time to enjoy it, the people were friendly, the architecture grand. So I must revisit some one day and really make the time to take in the sights. As our weekend was so chock full of events we hardly had time for all that in December. The year has already brought me to the brink of march, I can't believe it! I'm still reigning in chaos by contributing my hours working admin at the Guitar Store. I'm learning to do my own bookkeeping online. Still detest the demands that the tax office puts on me (us). But coping with that too. December was an amazing month for the practice. Jan and Feb have been a bit less exciting and full. Still I'm doing okay. My anniversary year (10 years as a therapist) is winding down. And as of April 1st (no joke) giving in to the fact that my rates also must increase a bit following the rest of the world in being expensive! I finally crocheted my first piece of jewelry: an necklace in silver-wire with rough tumbled rubies. More to come I'm sure. Okay, till next we meet live long and prosper (I've been watching old episodes of Star Trek, they never bore me!).

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