zondag 4 juli 2010

where did time go?

Okay, so keeping up a blog like it should be is hard when you are so busy. Now to find out what I'm so busy with so I can weed out the unnecessary. I work hard in two places and I really need my downtime too. I love my creative projects and helping others with theirs (reading and translating for example. Since I have less energy to go around I have realized this has greatly affected my social life. I just don't have the energy to run around with all my friends anymore all the time. Which doesn't mean I don't love them and miss them dearly.
Anyway..........today is Sunday. I'm on summer schedule for teaching my do-in class, so I had this morning off. Taking things to a slow start. Out to lunch with my friend Jen, and then together off to an interesting knitting workshop with a famous knitter/designer who is from around here, but had her book published worldwide. Then dinner with another friend, and not back home too late like a good little girl. Before falling asleep each night I send off my version of prayers and distance treatments for some folks who are going through rough spots physically or otherwise. That is the time it is most easy for me to concentrate those energies.
And sometimes
I even remember to include myself in that moment!
I haven't been working like mad on any projects, just a slow trickle, but here are two that are my favorites from the last half year.
I'm focussed on keeping afloat through summer which is usually a bit slower than the rest of the year. But this year has been slow in general. This month I was saved by my first tax return in years. I was really pleased with that! This week a few new clients arrived (all on one day) and as much as I love all my clients. The new ones bring excitement and heightened awareness as it is my style to delve deep into their lives to offer them the best help I can offer.
It's been pretty hot for dutch standards, so my last week also was about keeping it cool, rescheduling and using my little air-co and fan to create a cool zone, so I could get a little sleep. Friday me and Rach hid out at the cinema, which is great cuz it's cool, and we love movies, so that always works out. Then we went purse hunting for her with medium success. It was a perfect day for shopping as it was quiet in town. I'm proud of Rach for getting out there. Good day for this exercise!
Holland has been in the grip of the world cup football. The dutch tend to go a little crazy over that. At which time I try to embrace my inner Canadian and just breathe deeply ;-)
My knees have been giving me trouble, so until I get myself to the second opinion center in Rijswijk, I've gotten over my initial shyness and started using a crutch while walking. Hopping on the bike to get around is still no trouble at all. So need to get a little brace attached to the bike so I can bring my crutch along on my bike trips.
I'm gonna go catch up on some shows I recorded over the last two weeks and then get gussied up for my venture outdoors downtown. As far as that goes it's simple nowadays, something clean, not too shabby and a dash of waterproof mascara. I don't do the full theatric version anymore, thank goodness. But those were the days!
See you soon, but I can't make any hard promised on that!

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