donderdag 27 augustus 2009

miniature holiday

I have granted myself 3 days off starting tomorrow.
do have some loose ends to tie up, but that is okay
three glorious days off, no work, but instead time to visit friends.
might end up doing that one day out of three and just resting the other two.
I thought I was entitled cuz I haven't really had holiday this year.
Anyway, last week was fun teaching and participating in the teachers inspiration day for Do-In at the school where I trained to be a therapist myself. Bit nervous at first, but after that just fun.
I felt much appreciated and I always find it very inspiring to be with these people.
Sunday class was great too. 50/50 boys and girls (men/women), that hardly ever happens and one participant was only 10 years old, but very serious!
working really hard this week at all my jobs and tasks.
Next week I'm making the official start on Iris' book. Exciting and daunting, never had such a big project yet, apart from the ongoing translations for the crystal website.
anyway, life feels pretty good. The practice has been a bit more busy, which is very encouraging. The body is in a bit of an uproar, 5 or 6 tendons decided to go on strike at the same time and are all inflamed and very very painful. One at a time is enough as far as I'm concerned. But this too will pass.
Next week is already september, I really can't believe it...........really!
anyway, that is all for now I think. I'm starting to rest, now, right now!!

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