zondag 14 juni 2009

turning a new leaf, leafing thru old stuff

I decided it's time to delve into the happy box of projects and try to finish a few ones that have been pending for too long but are still very fun. And I know I can really finish a project quick. What is it that makes me (us) want to keep starting new exciting projects and only finishing a few of current ones? I'm good when I'm doing commissioned work, but sometimes something pretty or challenging catches my eye, interesting technique or cool new yarn (like araucania yarn made from suger cane!!).
It makes me forget my older projects, the ones that caught my eye at an earlier time.
So I decided to dig up the silk flowers scarf from the Vogue Knitting Anniversary issue. My friend Jen even brought me back the Alchemy Silk Purse from Purl Soho on her trip to New York. As well as some Koigu, which doesn't have anyone representing it here in Holland, so it's a chance in a million to find any (and I must say, some more mysteriously came my way and I'm not divulging how!!). So I've knitting an amazing 12 silk flowers in under a day and have about 9 more to go. Making the scarf a bit bigger so found a matching color silk from my stash to add to the project. The finishing up is going to be a b-i-a-t-c-h, but it's all part of the proces and finding some nice beads for the hearts of the flowers, which are supposed to be swarovski, but not sure about that. Still it will complement the silk of the flowers.
Oh, and yesterday was World Knit In Public Day. I watched the store so Pauleen and all her knitting buddies could go sit out in a terrace in the middle of downtown The Hague and wow other people by whipping out their needles and yarn in Public. En Garde!
And it was busy, had a great day at the store, and then we went out, and I drank my one-a-year-beer (I actually don't drink or smoke, but have the strange habit of wanting one beer and one cigarette a year, must be from growing up around chain smokers?). I had great fun, met some new folks and went home at the right time and didn't get caught up in the open air festivals all around town. Great but too tiring for me and I had to teach yoga this morning.
Anyway, all in all a pretty good weekend. Now on for the week, and salvaging myself and my company, and above all my house!!! I'll just have to take stuff in my stride.

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