woensdag 24 juni 2009

busy week!

Somehow it's been a really busy week, work at the practice, work at the guitar store, a day long lecture on ayurvedic medicines from a wonderful teacher from India, a dyeing workshop at Woool with Kim as our teacher. We had a blast and the yarns came out wonderful and all so different (according to the personality of the dye-er).

I've been asked to offer a do-in (japanese yoga) class as part of two bachelor parties.
Very interesting development!

I had a healing journey (Brandon Bays) monday and a whopper of a headache the next day.

Also I have been invited to a Chuppah (ceremonial jewish wedding) I decided to make a kippah for the groom and a wrap for the bride. I had to make a trial kippah first, so this is it. I’m very pleased how this came out. now for the real one. The groom has a preference for (vomity) green colors. So I’ll see how that turns out!

Unfortunately I've just heard I can't be the witness for the bride because I'm not jewish, it's okay though I'll be there to support the bride, who is a dear friend of mine and maybe to hold up the Chuppa (which will be 20 mins holding up a pole covered in fabric), but that I will do gladly.

Now..............what to wear????

zondag 14 juni 2009

turning a new leaf, leafing thru old stuff

I decided it's time to delve into the happy box of projects and try to finish a few ones that have been pending for too long but are still very fun. And I know I can really finish a project quick. What is it that makes me (us) want to keep starting new exciting projects and only finishing a few of current ones? I'm good when I'm doing commissioned work, but sometimes something pretty or challenging catches my eye, interesting technique or cool new yarn (like araucania yarn made from suger cane!!).
It makes me forget my older projects, the ones that caught my eye at an earlier time.
So I decided to dig up the silk flowers scarf from the Vogue Knitting Anniversary issue. My friend Jen even brought me back the Alchemy Silk Purse from Purl Soho on her trip to New York. As well as some Koigu, which doesn't have anyone representing it here in Holland, so it's a chance in a million to find any (and I must say, some more mysteriously came my way and I'm not divulging how!!). So I've knitting an amazing 12 silk flowers in under a day and have about 9 more to go. Making the scarf a bit bigger so found a matching color silk from my stash to add to the project. The finishing up is going to be a b-i-a-t-c-h, but it's all part of the proces and finding some nice beads for the hearts of the flowers, which are supposed to be swarovski, but not sure about that. Still it will complement the silk of the flowers.
Oh, and yesterday was World Knit In Public Day. I watched the store so Pauleen and all her knitting buddies could go sit out in a terrace in the middle of downtown The Hague and wow other people by whipping out their needles and yarn in Public. En Garde!
And it was busy, had a great day at the store, and then we went out, and I drank my one-a-year-beer (I actually don't drink or smoke, but have the strange habit of wanting one beer and one cigarette a year, must be from growing up around chain smokers?). I had great fun, met some new folks and went home at the right time and didn't get caught up in the open air festivals all around town. Great but too tiring for me and I had to teach yoga this morning.
Anyway, all in all a pretty good weekend. Now on for the week, and salvaging myself and my company, and above all my house!!! I'll just have to take stuff in my stride.

woensdag 3 juni 2009

summer is showing it's face

After just having healed from a lung thing with fever and prednisone at the beginning of may, I thought I was done for this year. But I had a really bad bout of food poisening last week, complete with all the surprising strong bodily functions that come with that (say no more) except that I bruised my ribs from the sheer force of it all. Anyway, after that was over I hid away in a lovely bungalow in another part of holland with my dear friend Iris to do some more recouperating. The weather was great, she had just bought a big patio lounge set and we christened it and sat on it till it was too dark and cold to stay out (even with the patio heater/burner on). It was great and I feel much better. I brought my knitting on the trip and did another big chunk of the lovely Kidsilk lace wrap. And started an adorable pair of baby socks with a sample pack from natural dye studio, the pattern is from the new pathways sock book from Cat Bordhi. Interesting and fun. Just trust to let go of what you always do and then try something new!
My best friend picked me up from my hideaway and there is nothing better for us than spending a relaxed day together chatting about life, philosophy and anything else that comes up (which we need to do at least every 3 months to nourish each other!). Now I'm working on my yoga class for this afternoon and found out yesterday I'm teaching a basis crochet class tonight to two enthusiastic young women at Woool (my friends yarnshop). I can fit it all into my schedule, no problem, I'm flexible like bamboo......hihi! The practice isn't too busy this week, which is good and bad. As all things yin and yang in life!
Tomorrow I'm visiting with friends in Maastricht (way in the south of Holland). They communicate with and sell crystals. They are very high frequency people and I love them. I will be assisting them with the translation of their website, which encompasses hundreds of pages of information. It will be a years work I'm sure. But very interesting subject matter. It seems that the stones have a lot to tell us in the beginning of the age of aquarius!
Last week I was interviewed by a student from Berkley, who had found my blog and found interesting connections to research she was doing. It was a great talk/interview. And most of it went on during an amazing (never saw anything like it before) lightening and thunderstorm. Pretty cool!!
Catch you later!