vrijdag 30 mei 2008

eh yoff? who?

this last week has been a whirlwind, incredible.
Weekend away on a training for EFT, lot's of tears and releasing, always good for the soul.
But what has taken up most of my time has been teaching Do-In and mostly preparing for the classes. It's great fun, but being a bit of a perfectionist I want to offer good material to my students/participants.
tuesday my own cute little class (this week only one person, because of headaches and flu's).
Wednesday assisting at the "Do-In for women" class with Anushka, and thursday evening being guest-teacher in Anuska's oldest and most loyal class (going strong for 13 years now I think).
That was a bit intimidating, because Anushka is one of the foremost specialists in Do-In in The Netherlands and around I'm sure. It all worked out, but phew, as if I'm not sweating enough from my hot flashes already. No, seriously, it was fun. For those of you who are wondering what Do-In is........it's the naughty Japanese sister of Yoga. Just kidding, well actually I'm not apart from the fact that it is serious business! it's an exercise format based upon meridian stretches and self treatment to stay limber, healthy and harmonized. Great fun, even for someone with restrictions like me (with the obesity and the rheumatism). Get involved, go find a try-out class, read up. It is really wholesome, healthy and fun. And I am teaching it too! And it is not restricted to age, gender, disability or creed!

vrijdag 23 mei 2008

a sock is born

some things are worth waiting for, and the noro sock yarn was no dissapointment. But I guess only really fanatics and yarn addicts will get this. So I'll try not to gush too much.
I've finished my first sock just about a week after the first 10 KG's of Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn was delivered in Holland. For some reason that's all we are getting for now.
it's really interesting and there was just an article in Knit Today about Noro and how they produce their yarns, really cool! It made a real effort to explain why their yarns are so exclusive, expensive and worth it.

Last weekend I held the fort at Woool while Pauline was at a street market. The weather was appalling, and I only made a few small sales and was very glad a group of friends dropped in (we ended up around the table with six of us, two very talented jazz singers (one quite famous actually) but we didn't break out in song. It was a good experience, now next time with good weather you guys please all show up like you promised okay???!!!

I've been burdened by the fool moon this week and major mood swings for the last month. Anyway, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, right?

My brother sent me a message that my mum had had a light stroke yesterday, he spent hours with her in emergency room, but he didn't manage to call us or we would have joined him.
She's back at the old folks home again with her meds adjusted for now. Fingers crossed on that one, because I'm away on a seminar all weekend. Starting my certification for EFT coach.

I can't promise to write more frequently, cuz I'm sure I'll break my own promise, but I'll keep trying.

Catch you later!

woensdag 14 mei 2008

how time flies................again

Can you believe we are already halfway thru May?
I was having a bit of an off day today, very moody and agressive (those who know me will say it's quite out of character, but what can I say? hormones??)
two great things happened to lift my mood: 1. Noro Sock Yarn (hooray after a long wait, it's just something you need to be an insider for to appreciate!); 2. an indisclosed source thought I'd be the perfect new mother for some stash (for money mind you). It's made up of almost 2 kilo's of assorted Koigu and 3 kilo's of assorted pure silk. It arrived today, and I just want to drop it all in bed and roll around in it. It's delicious and beautiful, and I'm a very happy bunny. The colors of the Noro sock yarn are as to be expected: delicious (it's actually one ply Kureyon), it's a bit coarse, but will soften up with handling and wear. Just cuddling the ball of wool is already fun! Noro Rocks!!! Tomorrow in daylight I'm gonna go revel in my other new stash, lamplight just doesn't work for this kind of adoration. And I'll try to make some pics!
Okay...........so what else? My buddy Pauleen isn't a fan of knitting lace, so she's letting me knit her something, a cute little lace kimono top in cotton/linen mix in a gorgeous deep teal, pattern from the latest interweave knits. I've finished the front and back and I'm 2/3 thru the first sleeve. I did frog the back halfway once cuz the decreases looked funky. It's nice to make her something. By the way, this saturday I'm subbing at her store Woool as she is at a street market elsewhere. I drop in occassionaly (not more or less than otherwise) to acquaint myself to her state of the art computer programme so I can make sales and register them...........argh.........me and my funky energy, we already had a brief computer glitch this afternoon. I'm sorry!!!
The frog was delivered to my mom, she liked him. Thank goodness and the visit I had been dreading but needed to get done went better than expected. Before the frog left my care he was admired by many, and siblings have been ordered, so they will follow asap. I got some extra sock wool in green yarns, cuz that was non existent in my stash.
The lace shrug for Lisa is done, but hasn't been sent off to Hawaii yet. The sexy summer dress is done but hasn't been fitted or modeled by anyone yet, so no good pictures yet.
So I caught you up a bit, but I'm pretty sure I've already forgotten stuff, I should really be more regular.
Oh, right, we had a miniature heatwave here and due to the heat, lack of sleeping and my hormonal situation, many braincells were lost in action, that clarifies more of my short term memory glitches. Yeehaa!