zondag 13 maart 2011

Simple pleasures.....

I can derive so much pleasure from finishing a project. Even knowing that it will leave me to venture out into the world and become someone else's present. The process is what is most gratifying to me. In this case turned into quite a big object. There is only 100 grams of yarn in this object. amazing right? It's resting after being blocked on my futon bed, and that is how much room I needed to spread it out, a queen sized bed.

Anyhoo....I'm off to teach another sunday Do-In class in a few minutes, which is also a simple pleasure to enjoy with my little class. And after that back to the grind of finishing my big translation job. I estimate a maximum of two more days on that one.

Have a great sunday everyone!

zaterdag 12 maart 2011

mother nature roars again

My heart goes out to all the people involved in the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan this week. Some of the spots we know well on Big Island Hawaii were hit as well, the news said not so bad there, but I'm sure for some folks it was. This is some raw video on Kealakekua bay, near Kailua Kona. We swam there on our last visit when we were trying out our snorkling gear, and thought it was a quaint little seaside village, we might want to stay in next time.

I sincerely hope it was mostly material damage and no personal incidents. Either way all devastating. I send out my love and heart out to all.

zaterdag 5 maart 2011

Reasons to be cheerful part 1001

I am blessed with many friends, but I of course also have a best friend, well actually two, one Girl and one Boy. How great is that? Boy does not live close enough to be a physical daily fixture in my life like Girl, but we do make sure we have our time together every few months (we need a fix every now and then!). Yesterday was one of those days. And we were so productive! Apart from catching up, shootin' the breeze, having coffee at the new Bagels & Beans, visiting my other workplace at the guitarstore, etc., we had chores to share (ahum). A doorknob that had been waiting more than 10 years to be attached........, cleaning up the computer (and thus making it faster!), and working on my website. Not often Boy decides to have a sleepover, but in this case he did because he missed the last train home. (he lives on the other side of the country). So today two more chores to take care of. Me: in charge of finding chores and giving directions. Boy: very practical and hands on! And luckily for a single girl I have an abundantly filled toolbox (very impressive!). He's still fast asleep as I'm writing this blog entry, but after coffee and breakfast, we will continue to be on a roll! Ain't life Grand?
So what else is going on......? I also got the guts up to ask my needle doctor to treat my Achilles pain that I had been suffering from for almost four years. He did, and with reasonable success, and I'm grateful to Zoe for coming along and supporting me for the first round of those, cuz I was a bit freaked, and I don't freak easily. And now after 6 shots in 2 months I'm done for a while, cuz that stuff seriously messes with my head (and my hormones).
Decided once again to control the yarn stash (yeah right), finish a lot of pending projects, keep the knitting machine after all and pay Jen installments for it like a sort of lay away plan, hehe, right! And just recently started to offer my little finished projects for sale. I make them just because I like the color or design or challenge of the design and not with a particular plan or recipient in mind. Hence I need extra rooms added to the house to allow for the stash and all the cute products arising from it. We'll see how the sales go, whatever happens
I'll probably just keep producing. But the little baby cardi I had made last week was sold within days, so that is hopeful. Have the little brand tags and business cards all laying in wait. Also sorted out a whole pile of grandma and mums button stash. Sorted into sets, packaged and labelled to sell off. They are vintage right? And I'm not using them.
The practice at the moment is too quiet, unfortunately. I'm working on a big translation gig and started to do a few extra hours at the guitar shop. I'm trusting the universe will support and I will be able to relax into "enough" or "slight abundance" any time soon. Am getting more and more relaxed about all this. And as you can see: I'm still standing!